Posted on Jan 13, 2017
anna stephan
This is a very simple yet very effective spell. You will need 2 candles and the candles should be big enough to last for 7 days. You will need one green candle and one white candle. The green candle will represent Money and the White Candle will represent you. Now anoint the candles it perfumed oil. You will have to start the spell casting as 6 in the morning and every day you may cast the spell at the same time. Now take a flat table and light both the candles. Then you may add sandal powder to it and also add black cumin to it. Then mix all together and chant on it booo booo daaa, chant these words 360 times and then where ever you feel lots of negative energy is present pour little powder over there. You can put little powder at the entrance of your house, little in your bed room, sprinkle little in your hall and so on. Where ever you feel that there are lots of negative energies there you may sprinkle this powder.
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